ABOUT - Guide Birds
Hello! Hi! I Yassine is one of the geniuses behind guidebirds.blogspot.com. We appreciate you visiting our About page. Two normal people who enjoy learning about birds and feeding them.
Although we aren't experts, we don't know everything. However, we enjoy sharing our knowledge and experiences with other bird lovers. Our site contains information that will help you learn about bird watching and feeding, as well as the habits and lives of wild birds.
We discuss everything, including how to attract birds to your feeder and what you can do to prevent unwanted animals eating your bird seed.
Birding enthusiasts know how excited you are when a new species visits your bird feeders. It's a joy to see a returning migratory favourite return for the season. You will feel calm and peaceful listening to birds sing in your yard while watching them play in the bath.
We know from experience that birding and backyard bird feeding are hobbies where you will have many questions. You also tend to be very curious. With our personal research and experience, we hope to help you answer some of these questions.
There are many helpful articles, photos, and recommendations about bird feeders and other birding-related products. We hope you enjoy the site as much we enjoyed creating it. Happy birding!
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